martes, octubre 16, 2007

"Maria was a tremendous help to me, and to my team, in helping us get..."

"Not only was she efficient and cheerful, she went above and beyond in keeping me updated with current status."

"More people would do well to emulate her good cheer and professionalism, and I wanted to be sure you knew what a splendid job she did, and how much our team appreciates her assistance. Thanks to her, we are actually a day and a half ahead of schedule, which is absolutely splendid!"

Ja! Ahí tienen todos* los que dicen que soy colgada, amargada y desganada!
Soy efficient, cheerful y soy capaz de hacer un splendid job.

*Por "todos", léase mi madre. Le forwardearía el mail, pero dudo que abra su casilla.

3 comentarios:

Junior dijo...

Lo mas copado del mail no es ni la felicitacion ni la salutacion, sino el uso de la palabra "cheerfull".

Cheers! for you...

nadie dijo...

o mejor aun, ahorita pedìs el aumento y no hay como negàrtelo...

Cel dijo...

junior: cheers to you too =)

tacho: es que me dieron aumento hace poco... me da cosita.